“Mommy, can I read something for all of us?”
From the backseat on the way home from school, my daughter couldn’t wait to share something from a book she’d checked out at the library.
“Okay, I need everyone to close their books and phones and listen.”
All the boys groaned. Isn’t it annoying when little sisters act like moms?
She read a verse to us from a little red devotional book. Then in her 9-year-old strong voice, she walked us through the explanation and application.
Later, she and I were heading across town for an errand. Again, she opened up her devotional and asked me if she could read to me.
Tears dripped down my cheeks as I listened. Because I remembered in that moment, there are a million ways I hope she grows past me. A million things I’ve said, which I hope she will not repeat. So many useless pursuits she’s watched me chase after.
Even so, she’s caught my passion for the Word of God.
She’s speaking it now, in her own beautiful voice.
She’s imitating my simple car devotion habit, even though I’m scattered and inconsistent.
On the way to or from school, and on other trips across town, I often share with my kids something from my own Bible study. Or I ask them to listen to a chapter through the Bible app, and then give them a chance to tell what stands out to them.
I want them to do more than listen to the Word of God. I want them to learn to put it in their own words, and to understand that God is speaking to them through it.
More than anything, I want my kids to see God in His Word.
I want them to let His Word teach them about Him. I hope they will all fall deeply in love with the Lord, and continue in that love.
A while ago, I copied this line by author, Brene’ Brown, into my journal–
“We have to be the women we want our daughters to be.”
I spent some time with that one, thinking through ways I both succeed and fail at living it. It’s hard, right? Because we’re human, and we’re working with strengths and weaknesses. Nobody gets it all right.
So my little girl’s passion reminded me that though I’m sometimes inconsistent and impatient and preoccupied rather than present, (and all the other things I could list about myself)–I am also remaining in the True Vine, and He’s remaining in me.
Jesus is bearing fruit beyond what I immediately see.
He promises that in Him, we will bear much fruit. In Him. With Him. Through Him.
Our efforts matter, but it’s not so much about our strengths and weaknesses. Jesus can do far more than we even imagine. He will take our efforts and turn them into much fruit.
So yes, be a woman worth imitating. Just know you’ll never exactly make it.
Then look forward with hope, to see what Jesus will make out of it all.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
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Angela, this is so good: “We have to be the women we want our daughters to be.” I want more than anything for my kids to love God and His Word, and like you, to see Him in it.
Yes, Brene Brown’s words there have been following me around for a while! Thank you…
Thank you for sharing it blessed my heart….
Thank you for being here, Karen.
I’m throwing you a virtual Hug
Yes, my head nods in affirmation. Even when I feel I’m not the very best at this parenting, I simply go to back to God.
Yes I more than anything want my children to see God and to know Him.
Truly, God sees our weaknesses. He has His way of making our Kids be Who He wants them to be.
May God help us in those areas we are feeble. May He strengthen us and fill us with wisdom to lead our little ones the way He would want us in Jesus name. Amen.
God Bless Angela and thank you for this deep devotional.
What a great message…because we make the world a better place by making our children better people.
Love that thought Jodie!
Angela, I love your heart for your children. IT’s a beautiful thing to have your daughter reading devotions to you and your sons in the car.
It’s such an amazing thing to see God get a hold of a child’s heart. May He continue to give you wisdom and her a soft heart as she grows.
Thank you, Jeanne! It is a beautiful thing. I appreciate your kind words.
Beautiful!!! Though I can’t relate to having girls, I often think, “Be the type of woman my boys would be blessed to have as a wife.” It’s a sobering reminder. I really love this one Angela. Happy Tuesday!
I’m with you there, Meg! #3boys
I’m 19, i.e. still far off from having kids, but I really love this post. I love the way you’re teaching your children scripture and allowing them to come to know it and love it in their own way. I really hope that I can one day teach my kids in a similar way, and I absolutely love how you talk about wanting your daughter to “grow past” you. I saw myself and my own mom in this, but I hope that my daughters and I can be like that one day, too! Just wanted to say I really loved this post, even though I don’t have kids of my own!
Thanks so much for being here today Kristen. I really appreciate your thoughts! You are going to make an amazing Mom some day, I can see that already. And what a sweet thing to see your relationship with your own Mom in this.
Thanks, Angela, for hosting today! Blessed Easter to you!
Thanks for being here, Michele! Happy to host…
Oh this is so my heart also. My husband and I have talked of this so often, that this is what we want for all of our children…to grow past us. The beauty of it all is when they are older and we see that all we’ve invested in allowing God to grow us, He’s also grown them further through us. Loved this post!
Thank you, Crystal. I totally agree!
You’ve captured it right here: “I want them to learn to put it in their own words, and to understand that God is speaking to them through it.” Amen! Me, too.
Yes! Thanks, Lisa!
Love this thought: “Jesus is bearing fruit beyond what I immediately see.” He is at work within us! Visiting from #RaRalinkup today and I’m so glad I did!
I’m glad you came today, Angela!
What a beautiful testimony of God’s grace in our imperfections! I love that quote, too. Thanks for hosting this week. Easter blessings!
Thank you, Donna!
Angela, what a beautiful reminder that we have no idea the seeds we are planting. I needed that today.
So glad it was helpful!
What a wonderful post! I hope this gets around to mothers everywhere. You are certainly bringing forth fruit and no doubt your children will bless others.
Thank you!!!
I had to wipe the tears from my eyes to read this to the end. I can remember after doing or saying something I regretted with my kids, praying, “Lord, please help them not to be scared by my flaws. Let them remember our prayers together, reading Your Word, singing, and talking about You.”
They are young adults now, and you know what? The Lord answered my prayers!
Keep shining your light to your kiddos!
Blessings, sweet sister and Happy Easter!
Beckie from Spotlight
I found you because of #RaRaLinkup!
I love that, Beckie. Thank you for the reminder that our prayers are powerful too!
Love this, Angela! I want that too! I want my kids to meet God in His word. To know that He is real. For real. I pray that I do nothing to cause them to doubt that. Thanks for the reminder that even though we won’t quite make it, we can look forward in hope to what Christ will do with it all. God is so faithful and loving. Blessings to you!
Thank you Carlie, & blessings to you as well!
What if we weren’t that woman? I lived a good life but read my Bible, now and then, in private. My daughters are grown now and at the risk of sounding preachy, I “share” with them as often as I can. My heart melted when my granddaughter told me after Vacation Bible School last year “Nana, God has a plan for my life!”
Nancy, I hear your question. Isn’t that the beauty of this? God still moves! Despite our behavior or performance or actions. Saying a prayer for you and your people right now!
I love that post! Nothing is more important for me than to pass on my faith to my kids. The older my daughter gets the more I see her growing her own spiritual roots. This year she started a Bible Study group along with her roomate. She’s mentoring girls younger and older than her in the Word! Nothing makes me happier than to see my children following hard after God. Praying for my son to follow that example
Praying your daugther continues to seek after God and fall more in love with His Word each year of her life.
Be Blessed & Refreshed!
~Sherry Stahl
Thank you for sharing about your daughter Sherry! That is beautiful.
Thanks for sharing about yours
Angela- thank you for this reminder! I fail so often at this mothering gig, it’s refreshing to know if I stay in Him- He will do what I can’t! This is music to my mommy heart
Love this, brave mama. You stick to Jesus, and Jesus is going to stick to your kiddos. Hugs
This is so inspiring me for me to read as a new mom!