They were noisier than I would have liked, my kids and their cousins, getting ready for bed. But I gathered them up in a little pink room, told them to hush, and read them a story.
The story began with a young girl from a small town. A humble servant girl. She was engaged to be married, waiting for her life to change, but chosen to first bring promise into the world.
One afternoon, an angel scared her half to death. He told her not to fear, because God Most High favored her. She sat there, stunned. Confused. But the angel continued. She would have a baby, and name him JESUS. The Son of the Most High. He’d reign from David’s throne forever.
His kingdom would never end.
She wondered, how? The angel explained—the power of the Most High would overshadow her. He told her that her old, old cousin Elizabeth was also 6 months pregnant. Because nothing is impossible with God.
At this point in the story, I question myself. I imagine being this girl, this ordinary, unlikely girl. I believe nothing is impossible with God. But in those shoes? Would I believe it then?
She responds, Let it be. Let it be with me as you have said.
She decides—I will be God’s servant.
She carries the Son of God in her womb.
She visits her old, pregnant cousin, who tells her she is abundantly blessed. Why? Because she believed the Lord would do what He said.
So her heart overflows with praise for God, and she sings:
God noticed me, his lowly servant girl. He’s done great things for me. He shows mercy to all who fear Him. He scatters the proud and exalts the humble. He fills the hungry but sends the rich away with empty hands. He fulfills His promises.
God became flesh and showed up small, born in an animal shed, to a poor servant girl. He did it this way, to offer mercy to all. But we can’t read only half the gospel.
God offers His mercy to all, but He shows mercy to those who fear Him. Some, He scatters, and some, He exalts. He blesses those who believe Him.
Like this young girl, my heart now overflows. Because God noticed me, and showed me mercy. Because the Joy who came to the world, came for me. Came for you. So I speak of Jesus, of Joy, hoping you will seek Him and know Him, too. May we all be blessed because we believe the Lord will do what He said!
If I can answer any questions, or you want to discuss this further, email me at