Do you feel like we live in the middle of a race? There’s not time for unnecessary pauses. We have to keep moving.
With each new dawn comes an explosion of beauty. But we often miss it, with eyes focused straight ahead. Because we have to.
We have to get to the next appointment. Take the next phone call. Pop into the next meeting. Serve the next meal. Prepare the next assignment. See the next patient. Wash the next load. Drive to the next stop. Do the next thing.
We live under the urgent and miss the most important.
It’s no wonder we fail to see God’s glory in the everyday.
We have goals to accomplish and friends to meet up with and homes to improve and jobs to do. We have shows to watch, “needs” to shop for, technology to get lost in, and new recipes to try. We have lives of our own, and our attention is spread thin. Most of the time, we look around, or ahead, or down.
We rarely look up.
It’s easy, these days, to miss the voices we need to hear, because of the noise of our lives.
Maybe today will be different.
Today could be the day we begin to inhale God’s glory.
Because what we really need in this life is to stop. We need to stop, and look up. We need to get outside, stand under a palette of blue and pink and white and gray, point our eyes heavenward, and stay. We need to consider the heavens.
Do you hear that? From one end of this earth to another….
The heavens declare the glory of God;
The skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Day after day, they pour forth speech;
Night after night, they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
No sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
Their words to the end of the world.
{Psalm 19}
Today, I’m asking you to participate. To become a sky-gazer, if only for a few minutes.
Stand under skies and consider them, under the dome where He thunders and dwells. Behold the glory these silent heavens reveal.
Pam Lenhart says
LOVE this! I try to do that every morning when I read my Bible. I open my window, look at the beauty outside my window, watch the sun come up over the trees, listen to the birds. It is an inspiring thing to be alone with the Lord to start my day. Thanks for this reminder.
Dan Parlin says
I’ll definitely be “looking up” today when I’m in the woods, thanks for the needed reminder baby! Loved it as always!!!
Dan Parlin Owner: Budget Blinds of the Western Triangle 919-361-0495
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