The way we view our lives changes things.
I’m beginning to believe that the way we choose to see the circumstances of our lives is the big point.
Sometimes my vision is clouded with things I don’t enjoy about my current situation. When I’m focused on the problems I face, there’s little room in my heart to see the good. Instead, I’m chronically unhappy with the way things are.
Can you relate?
Other times, my eyes are full of what I think I need to improve upon everywhere I look, and then I fall into perpetual striving. I seek to make my life something better, and I miss the beauty of what’s already in front of me.
I’m talking about contentment, a way of seeing our lives with thankful eyes.
The way we see determines how we’ll experience our days. So how is your vision today? How do you choose to see?
Years ago, I named my blog, So Much Beauty in All This Chaos. God was teaching me then that His beauty is always around me. Even in the chaos that sometimes happens at home with the kids, even in the trials, even in my disappointment, He has planted so much beauty.
My job is to choose to see the beauty. My part is to call it out and thank Him.
I’ve struggled many times to see the beauty in my life when chaos crowds it out, and so I started naming the beauty whenever I could see it. I started to look for it.
~The way God met me there in that trial, the way He comforted me.
~The beauty inside the people He placed in my life for me to love, and the ways they love me back.
~The truth He speaks straight to my heart from His Word day after day.
~The sky and the birds and the rest of His incredibly gorgeous world which surrounds me.
I’ve learned the beauty goes on and on and on.
I’ve learned there’s always more, because I find it whenever I choose to look.
But sometimes I still return to my critical eyes, to my critical heart. Sometimes the details of life overwhelm me, and I find myself right back in that ugly, bitter place, where I have a really hard time seeing the good. Sometimes I wake up and it’s cold and I’m tired of doing the same old things another day, and maybe it’s just that I woke on the wrong side of the bed, but I’m just not happy with the way things are. I’m just not satisfied.
I don’t know about you, but I desperately need God’s vision–to see great things He’s already done.
To see all the beauty He’s planted between the rows of my chaos, in the middle of every day.
Where will you choose to see the beauty God has planted in your life today?
Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Psalm 90:14
Read this post also at
Such a powerful reminder! #livefreeThursday
Thanks Crystal! Glad you stopped by from #livefree!
I love this idea of seeing the beauty on our chaos. You are so right, our vision and how we choose to see our circumstances affects will affect our reaction to the outcome. Thank you for sharing this post with us at Sitting Among Friends. I always love make new connections so glad to meet you there. I hope that we will see return visits on Wednesdays.
I’m glad to know of your linkup! Thanks for stopping by today. #choosingtosee #beauty