I call myself a runner, but I always feel the need to qualify the statement.
I’m not built like a runner. I’m not a fast runner. My mileage wouldn’t impress you.
But I get out there, onto the trail several times a week. And other than the last few months of four pregnancies plus a couple injuries which sidelined me for a time, I’ve been a runner as long as I can remember.
When I run, I’m usually smiling. It’s a strange habit, but I smile in part because running is my alone time. I walk out the front door, ready to move, and it’s like a big, deep breath. Plus a lot of panting, but still.
I smile because the finish line is always on the horizon, and I’m a hoper and a dreamer. I smile, because I need the opportunity to think my own thoughts for a bit. Thoughts about something other than school and the next meal and a million little tasks to do around the house.
Give me some fresh, quiet air under a big blue sky and the opportunity to think my own thoughts–and it feels like being home. Not so much like being in my home, but at home with myself. 🙂
Last week, out on the trail, one of my thoughts morphed into a pressing question:
What are you running after anyway?
I sensed it wasn’t meant physically, and it wasn’t actually coming from my own thoughts.
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 1 Corinthians 9:24
I’d read this verse recently. Run in such a way that you may obtain the prize. To be honest, this is a little uncomfortable for me. I’m not one to go after the prize. It seems like everyone I know is competitive, and I’m certain it reveals something broken inside me, but it’s still the truth.
Yet this instruction tells us to run for it. GO AFTER IT. Run like you’re trying to win the prize.
Paul isn’t talking about running though. He’s speaking about our lives. We’re all in the race. We’re all runners, and we don’t need to apologize for whatever level we haven’t arrived at yet.
The course we run is the Christian life. But we’re not running to win the prize of salvation, since salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ, and not by our own works. What, then, is the prize we’re running to win?
What are we running after anyway?
We’re running after Jesus, friends.
And I know it’s easy to say He’s the One we’re running after, but sometimes we’re pursuing so many other things.
Sometimes we’re running after everything else, hoping something will fill our souls and fix our lives and make us feel better. Those things do make us feel better at times, but it’s temporary. It’s all just a Band-Aid, and it wears off.
In the middle of raising kids to know Jesus and writing words I hope will point people to Him, I sometimes find myself in a distant place, disconnected even. And since I find myself there, I wonder if you do too.
So what are YOU running after today, my friend?
Is Jesus the prize you’re seeking?
Are you pursuing His nearness?
Do you desire to simply know Him more? Is this enough for you?
He really is the Life we so desperately long for. Let’s run to win more of Jesus!
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Hebrews 11:6
Now this is eternal life: that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent. John 17:3
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Oh hi Angela, been a while. I just got back from an early morning walk myself. I can relate with need to feel the fresh air, breath, think refreshing thoughts and absolutely own your me-time with no interruptions.
The last few weeks has been great for me. Less screen…although I have need to reconnect with our community of writers again but the slowing more focused deeply intentional living pays off. It allows me to appreciate all of God’s grace in my life, rather than chasing everything else.
OK now I have to stop writing🐰🐩🐹
Hugs and sweet blessings to you
Hello, Ifeoma! Sounds like an excellent choice, what you’ve been doing with less screen time. I love what you said about appreciating God’s grace rather than chasing everything else. God bless your day!
I’m glad to hear that you smile when you run. I walk a lot and when I see runners pass me by, they always look so miserable… Yes, I’ve run after some things in my life – even good things – but they left me still feeling empty because there is only one prize that can fulfill our longing and that is Christ. Sometimes I run just to finish the race, but thank you for the challenge to run like I’m earnestly seeking the Prize.
Yes, Bev…”they left me still feeling empty.” So true. Thanks for blessing me with your words today!
Angela, I love your post today. It is a message that Jesus continuously puts in front of me to remind me He is the One I’m seeking and He is the prize. I’m running this race with the greatest Trainer in the world.
Thank you, Stephanie. I need this message often as well!
Great encouragement! When I am on the treadmill, I do a countdown in my head, “two-and-a-half left…three-quarters left…” It helps me push through. Since I don’t know the time I have left, keeping my eyes on Jesus is the ONLY way to get through this race!
I hear you, Kelly. Although I’m a terrible treadmill runner…there’s no scenery! Such a good point you made though–how we don’t know what time we have left here on earth, so we keep our eyes on Jesus. Love that.
This is such good encouragement today, Angela. Last week I read in Hebrews 12:1,2 about running with perseverance the race God has set before us. One translation called Jesus the source and the GOAL of our faith. That fits along beautifully with what I’m reading here this morning. I admire you for being a runner. I. Am. Not. But I AM a walker! And I love being outside most mornings for the same reasons you describe.
I love that, Betsy. Hebrews 12:1-2 is one of my favorite passages ever. Run or walk, it’s pretty much the same. 🙂 Thanks for your encouragement!
Beautiful Angela! I love this illustration, and the thought of us running to Jesus – pursuing Him, wanting more of Him. So awesome! I’m not a runner, more of a walker:) But today when I get out and walk I will remember this post. I know it will bring a smile to my face too!
Thank you, Kristine. I think it applies to walking too! 🙂 So glad it will stick with you…Enjoy your walk!
I loved this Angela. Running for Jesus puts everything back into perspective. It brings tears to my eyes because that was my prayer this morning. But how would you know that? You didn’t, but Jesus did. Thank you sweet friend.
Amazing…and I know that feeling! I love when the Lord works in many of us in the same ways at the same times. Thank you for sharing this!
I wish there was an “Amen” button here! I would press it again and again! Amen! Amen! Amen! Wise words spoken from a wise heart. I love you.
Thank you, my friend! Your words are so much encouragement to keep going!
Good morning, Angela. 🙂 I know the feeling…I like to run, but wouldn’t consider myself a runner right now. My knees betray me, unfortunately. Hmm, what am I running after? Well, sometimes the hectic pace of life can make me feel like I’m running in circles, chasing absolutely nothing. But, like you, I long to be continually running after my Savior, following His footprints. Thanks for sharing and hosting today. ((grace upon grace))
I think what you said here is so true–about the hectic pace of life. I know that feeling, of running in circles chasing nothing. Just trying to keep up with all the things, right? Thank you for sharing this!
Amen! Thank you for this encouragement and reminder today. Hope you have a wonderful week and thanks for hosting 🙂
Thanks for being here with your encouragement today!
Great encouragement my friend!
Thank you, Katie!
“Sometimes we’re running after everything else, hoping something will fill our souls and fix our lives and make us feel better.” I have often said the only time you will see me running, is when I’m running from something. This quote reminds me that I definitely run, after things that are not what I need. I need Jesus. Everyday. All the time.
That made me laugh, Carmen. 🙂 And yes. Everyday. All the time!
Angela, Like you, I feel the presence of the Lord most when I am outside in His creation. It calms my nerves and quiets my heart. But often, I am caught up in the busyness of running. I have to remind myself to focus on Jesus, and run after Him. Only Jesus. Beautiful post!
Ellen~ Isn’t that the truth? I need to be outdoors! There’s nothing like it for quieting my heart. Thank you!
Angela, I so identify with you. I don’t chase trophies either and haven’t been competitive, except with myself. And then Jesus said run the race for the prize! Thanks for the reminder to look ahead to Jesus. Hugs, Susan
Susan, Thanks so much for the encouragement. I feel like we non-competitive girls are in the minority. 🙂 Here’s to running to win the real prize!
Love the questions you ended with, Angela. May I pursue His nearness today and every day.
Thank you, Lyli. I appreciate the feedback and encouragement! And just YES to what you said!
Angela, I loved your post. And I love the focus of running after Jesus, to know His nearness. To be more in His presence. I’ve definitely been distracted and chased after other things at times, but when my focus is on Him, that’s when I run in peace and confidence. That’s when I can truly run without fear of tripping.
Loved your post today!
Jeanne, Such a good word, that you can run without fear of tripping when your focus is on Him. Love that. Thank you!
always a good question: what is my prize? thanks for your encouraging post – lately reading the book Soulkeeping has helped keep my eyes on the only prize worth having. be blessed today in your race.
Sounds like a really good book, Sue. I’ll have to add it to my reading list. I’ve heard a couple people talk about it this year…thank you for your feedback!
Wow! I feel like you ripped this page right off of my heart, today. Phenomenal. You reached me, girl!
” We’re all runners, and we don’t need to apologize for whatever level we haven’t arrived at yet.”
Thank you. I often feel like I’m failing to keep up… But with what? And who? #comparisontrap Happy Thursday!
Thank you SO MUCH, Megs! I am so excited that stood out to you and appreciate you sharing the way it reached you. I am with you in that feeling. So often, I sit and write about why I’m feeling that way and it comes back around to the same thing. Comparison. Yuck. God bless you today!