Welcome to 31 Days of Poetry & Writing Prompts–Day 29.
Today’s poem contains a great weekend reminder. “Go and open the door,” Holub says.
There might be somewhere to wander, something to grow, or something new waiting for you out there. You might find a new perspective, a new friend, or something altogether ordinary. You might also find nothing, but still–go. Open the door.
The Door
by Miroslav Holub
Go and open the door.
Maybe a dog’s rummaging,
maybe you’ll see a face,
or an eye,
or the picture
of a picture.
Go and open the door.
If there’s a fog
it will clear.
Go and open the door.
Even if there’s only
the darkness ticking,
even if there’s only
the hollow wind,
even if
is there,
go and open the door.
At least
there’ll be
a draught.
I heard a preacher tell a story about the sheepfold and the entry gate.
There was one entrance into the fold, and there wasn’t typically a gate or door at the entrance. So the shepherd would lay there in the doorway to protect the sheep at night from intruders like wolves or from storms or maybe even night wandering…sheepwalking? {Don’t quote me on that last part.}
The shepherd became the door of the fold. By laying down there at the entryway. For his sheep.
Jesus does this also, for you and me.
So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them.
I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.
John 10:7-9, ESV
He provides for our needs. He protects us from the evil one. Yes, trials and suffering come whether we are His sheep who listen to His voice, or not. But the enemy will not overcome us or snatch us away from Him.
As the Door, He’s not about trying to keep out the Black Sheep. He’s about sacrifice, about laying Himself down for us.
As the Door, He’s not about sheltering or withholding life. He opens the door, and we’re free to go out and then come back home.
May we always find ourselves at home in Christ.
But when we stray,
May we quickly find our way to the Door,
The Open Door who welcomes wanderers home.
Writing Prompt:
Write about some change in your life which came about because you opened a door.
I like the way the line repetition works in the poem you shared.
Thanks for another great prompt:
No truth in the booth – An acrostic selection on the pending election