I was out-of-my-mind frustrated.
He had spewed mean words to his younger siblings too many times that day. We had talked. And talked. And prayed. Well, I had prayed. There’s no telling if he prayed along. This battle had been brewing a while, and I was over it.
So I sent him to his room, thinking I needed a few minutes to cool down before I could deal with his most recent outburst {in a calm manner}.
Unfortunately, I didn’t leave it there. I followed him, giving him an ugly earful of my own thoughts and feelings about the situation he created and the ways he was ruining my day.
I dealt with his outbursts by having an outburst of my own. And then I left his room with a sigh and that rotten feeling.
This is not the way I plan to, hope to, want to parent. But it’s the way I sometimes do.
As I walked down the hallway…keep reading this post at PurposefulFaith.com!