He smiled from ear to ear, with a patch of fuzzy hair standing straight up on top of his five-year-old head.
Big eyes twinkling, he grabbed my hand from behind the kitchen sink and led me out to the back deck.
“Stay RIGHT there, Mom. I gotta show you something you’re gonna LOVE!”
He descended the stairs, filling the air with his mile-wide smile.
I stood there spilling tears under the sky on a windy Friday afternoon, because some days, I start to understand. These are the days of my life, and they aren’t always easy. I often don’t want them to play out the way they do.
But these off-schedule, messy, monotonous days are always full of beauty—and God gives us the opportunity to choose to see it.
Will we choose to celebrate the beauty found in our own right here, right now?
Sometimes I realize how much I miss. I don’t always enjoy the little gifts in my life, because I’m focused on my to-do lists. Or I’m honed in on my plans and the way they should go. Or I’m fixated on some disappointment.
I need these stop-everything moments. I need this reminder–to celebrate the little things.
He climbed up on the green swing seat and asked me if I was ready. He asked if I was watching…
Read More at PurposefulFaith.com!