She realized she often looked to the apps on her phone when exhausted, when she didn’t want to make another decision.
The phone is a perfect distraction when we don’t know what to do next.
But my friend didn’t like what her life was beginning to look like. The constant pull of Facebook made it impossible for her to stay present in her days. She didn’t want to miss precious moments with her daughter, but she also didn’t want to drop out of Facebook altogether. It can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family.
Still, something needed to change.
I could relate. My phone addiction problem comes and goes, often depending on the current season’s schedule as a Mom. Sometimes I’m running crazy and too busy to even notice the apps on my phone.
But other days, I can’t stop checking the phone, with all the little red flags waving notifications that someone has said something or liked something or needs my attention.
In those times, I’m looking for something. Something in my life is missing or incomplete, and I’m restless until I find it.
The problem is, I never do. I only waste time looking for more.
I seek shallow connections, rather than open my ears to the concerns of the people in my own living room or outside my front door.
I received a new inspirational magazine a few weeks ago called Simple Grace: Your Daily Dose of Hope. In it, a reader shared her story of being addicted to the distraction of carry-along technology.
Out to lunch with her daughter, she constantly checked for texts, emails, and status updates. It bothered her daughter that she chose the phone over living in the now.
The phone caused her to miss beautiful moments of her life, like this opportunity out to lunch with her teenage daughter.
“It’s so tempting to get pulled into habits that tickle our mind but leave our soul wanting. We end up feeling so unfulfilled…” ~Simple Grace, August 2015, p. 30
When we feel like we’re lacking something, our natural response is to look for what we’re missing.
These days, with technology at our fingertips, it quickly becomes habit to reach for our phones.
What if instead of chasing every flutter of our phone, we remember it will never deliver what we’re really looking for?
What if we walk away sometimes and ask the Lord to fill our hearts and minds with what we really need–His grace, His unending love, His always presence, and His power?
The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life. John 6:63
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