Written by Sarah Mae, author of Desperate, this book has quickly become one of my favorites. I’m telling you about it again, because today is Launch Day for this gem, and the message is worth spreading.
I could tell you again about how I couldn’t put the book down and I devoured it in a day, while my kids splashed away in the little blow-up deck pool and wouldn’t stop asking me for snacks. 🙂
I could tell you how Sarah Mae understands Mom-life, how she writes as a friend who’s been there, and you might just feel like she peeked inside your own heart.
But instead, let me ask you a question, because I’m guessing you know what I’m talking about.
Do you know that struggle between what you want—and what you want to want?
Sarah Mae has wrestled through that tension, and shares her story in this book, encouraging us to take our desires to the Lord.
She reminds us that God formed our inward parts, as Psalm 139 says. He wove each of us together, and He cares about our dreams.
Is it hard for you to believe, that God cares about your dreams?
In many cases, He has placed those dreams within our hearts. But they’re not always meant for right now. Some dreams are meant to be realized another day.
Longing for Paris will encourage you to hold onto your dreams–but with open hands.
I’ve struggled through this myself, and maybe you’ve done the same.
I held tightly to some dreams. I was afraid of both stepping toward them–and also of not ever seeing them come true. In my daily life, I was constantly frustrated with how to work toward those–when other dreams of mine showed up like little people walking around, ALWAYS in need of something more.
In a season of desperation, I offered my dreams to the Lord. I handed them over again and again, until I was sure I had let them go.
I grieved the loss of what I had hoped for and completely said goodbye. At that time, I realized some of my identity was also wrapped up in that thing. That was a whole other tangled mess to unravel.
But God saw me through. He showed me that He cared, and reminded me of His goodness. And then I realized He didn’t agree, that me and my dream had broken up–and that we were never ever ever getting back together.
The dream might not end up looking like I always thought it would look. But it wasn’t over, and it started getting good when I offered it back to Him.
So I love this question Sarah Mae asks in Chapter 1 of Longing for Paris:
“Is it settled in your heart that {God} is good?”
Even if your longings are not fulfilled this side of heaven, will you trust God?
You realize by now, the book is not really about Paris.
It’s about the way our longings can lead us to the One who filled us with dreams and fulfills our deepest longings.
I’ve been to Paris, and yes, I fell madly in love with the City of Light. But the truth?
“Paris can only ever give me a glimpse of the true thing I yearn for: to be with my God in all of His splendor.” ~Sarah Mae
I think you will love Sarah Mae’s new book. Order it here!