Even with truth living in and around me, somehow the lie came along too.
I believed in Jesus so young. No major questions, just a big Yes, I believe. I don’t ever remember saying yes to the lie, but it followed me anyway.
It’s the oldest lie on the books, the same lie that poisoned Eden. It wears the mask of something more, something better. But it spoils. After it weasels in to take root in our hearts.
God doesn’t truly love you, not enough. You need more. That’s the lie.
Did you know we can hold the truth in one hand, and reach for something better with the other?
We live in such a broken-down place, but we still build our towers to the skies. We fill ourselves up, at least we try.
Even when we hold the truth, we can be living under the influence of the lies.
We need to remember, on thousands of days–God loves us. So much that He made a way to rescue us. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He who came not to condemn the world, but to save it.
Not only that, but also–Jesus is enough. He didn’t only die. He was raised to life for us. He IS life, and He wants to create new life in us.
Why do we still look for life in other places? We wouldn’t usually call it that. Okay, we’d never call it that.
But the root of all our sin is—we desire created things more than we desire the Creator.
We are idolaters, of the hidden kind.
We need to remember who God is, and we need to remember who we are. And then, the only way for us, is to repent.
We need revival, the life of Jesus poured into us. Right now, right here in the center of our living rooms. No need for a big tent or a booming voice calling us forward.
We need revival here–in our hearts, at the end of March at the kitchen desk. With the Word open and an open heart.
In these moments, I desire nothing more than Jesus. When I stray from here, I need revival again. {So I will need it by tomorrow. But actually much sooner.} My life, in Christ, depends on it.
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives IN HIM, rooted and built up in Him… Colossians 2:6-7
Hello to all my blogging friends who are here to join the #RaRaLinkup today…I look forward to reading your words this week!

I need revival more than I realize at times! I long for Jesus to pour into and fill my heart to overflowing every moment of every day. More of Him…less of me 🙂 Thank you for sharing…this is exactly what I needed to hear today #RaRaLinkUp
I am with you, Sarah…more of Him, less of me. Thanks for the encouragement!
I absolutely agree! We desire things without even realizing it. “A lie” is the perfect way to describe it. It creeps in unnoticed, and before we know it, we have put the lie before God. Oh how we do need revival! Thanks, Angela:)
Kristine, Yes…what you said, “It creeps in unnoticed, and before we know it, we have put the lie before God.” You stated it perfectly! Thanks for the encouragement.
“But the root of all our sin is—we desire created things more than we desire the Creator.” What truth there is in that statement. I struggled with addiction most of my life and always chose something over God. When I was younger it was alcohol, now it’s food. As I learn to choose Him, better choices in other areas get so much easier. Thank you for this beautiful encouragement and reminder that His love is truly all we need.
Candace, I appreciate your insight about addiction, and think that is a topic we need people to write on more. Most of us have either struggled with some kind of addiction or at least love someone who does….just a little food for thought! Are you that person? Blessings to you today! Angela
Thank you Angela for such encoraging words. And for speaking truth. We need revival and we only need to look at Christ. He is the truth that makes us free! He brings all lies to light. Keep writing. So glad I meet you today. Sharing and connecting in #RaRalinkup.
Love and blessigns,
Tayrina from TGAWrites
Tayrina, Thank you for your words…they bless me! I love what you said–“We only need to look at Christ. He is the truth that makes us free!” Beautiful!!! Bless you today, Angela
Hello Angela,
I’m not sure if we’ve met before, but I’m so glad to have found your beautiful blog today. Your words are so packed with truth. I resonate so strongly with what you have shared today. How true that even though Jesus gave eveything for us, we can make agreements with the evil one that somehow we need more. This is the sin of Pride, disguising itself in false humility. I’ve been there, and still struggle. But thanks to my loving, heavenly Father, I’m learning to find freedom day by day. And how beautiful to pray for revival in our own hearts. That’s where it must begin! Thank you so much for sharing!
Blessings and hugs,
Kamea, Well it’s so nice to meet you here! 🙂 I appreciate your encouragement. You are right–“This is the sin of Pride, disguising itself in false humility.” Whether we realize it or not, I think we ALL struggle with that. But yes, FREEDOM! Thank you for your words!
Angela, what great words you share here: “Did you know we can hold the truth in one hand, and reach for something better with the other?” Oh my isn’t that the truth? Thanks for inspiring me for a revival and for cheering me on in my faith! So great to see you hosting the linkup today! Have a great one, Kim Stewart
Kim, well thank YOU for cheering ME on! I think this is the big struggle, that we hold onto the truth BUT ALSO reach for more, thinking we must be missing something and the whole world shouts that we need more. Blessings to you!
Angela! Such a beautiful post this morning!
I love this truth you shared… “But the root of all our sin is—we desire created things more than we desire the Creator.” Its when we fall into this trap that we begin to be lured away with the lie.
Blessings to you… Cheering you on to keep shining and writing for Him!
Love Danise
Thanks Danise! And I agree…unfortunately it’s sometimes so subtle, and we don’t even realize what it is we love and desire most, don’t you think? Thanks for bringing your encouragement to the party! Have a wonderful day!
Wonderful post. May we live each day “With the Word open and an open heart.”
Thanks Joanne! I appreciate the encouragement!
Yes we can reach for the truth with one hand and something else entirely with the other hand. That would sum up how a lot of us live our lives. We do need a revival of Jesus poured into us right now. Great reminder today of Jesus’ love for all and our deep need for Hm. Blessings!
I agree, Mary that so many of us live our lives that way…unfortunately from my own experience. Thanks for joining in the conversation and bringing your encouragement!
Angela, every time I read one of your posts I walk away clinging to a profound truth which was presented in a new way. You have a way with words, my friend. This right here: “we desire created things more than we desire the Creator.” Yes, I have been there all to many times and found out the hard way that only Christ can bring me true satisfaction and joy. Thank you for speaking the truth. You are a light in this often dark world.
Abby, I can’t say thank you enough for all your encouragement! Can’t wait to read the words you bring today! Your words always inspire me!
Great post. God has been working in my heart about this for the last couple of months. Have you read the book, “The Calvary Road”? (by Roy Hession) Extremely convicting and a great place to peer into your heart. My mentor passed it onto me after I kept talking and talking about revival. The first place it starts is right in our own hearts. May God truly revive my heart, your heart and others as we try to shine for him.
Thanks Kortney…I have heard of that book–now I’ll have to read it! Thanks for the encouragement!
“We need revival here–in our hearts, at the end of March at the kitchen desk. With the Word open and an open heart.” Oh, how I need this, too. Thank you so much for your encouraging post. Those lies creep in so subtly, don’t they? May God open our hearts and bring us revival so that we may truly serve Him showing others the way.
Gayl, yes, I so agree! Thank you for your encouragement and insight in this conversation. I think it’s an important one. Blessings!
This is so important to remember. Jesus didn’t just die and live again so that we could get a ticket to heaven. It’s about so much more. I love how you said it.
Yes, Dawn…”Jesus didn’t just die and live again so that we could get a ticket to heaven.” Just YES. So much more!
Angela, your words are oozing into every part of my day. I so needed this. I loved your question “Did you know we can hold the truth in one hand, and reach for something better with the other?” Loving the created instead of the Creator… believing the lies over the Truth. Living in the dark instead of stepping into His marvelous light.
Teaching my heart today to cling to Col.2:6-7 🙂
Christine, And I’m right there with you. I love how you expressed that, “teaching my heart today to cling to Col. 2:6-7”. That’s another great thought…that we need to teach ourselves to cling to these words. Blessings to you! Angela
Yes…I agree…I need a revival daily to remind myself to return to God as the true source of the love I need…nice to meet you 🙂
Nice to meet you too, Dolly! And thank you for these words…He is the true source of love we need!
“We are idolaters, of the hidden kind.” Oh my goodness, Angela, such truth in this. When we’re simply real, simply at His throne, we can see it. Love that you put this “out there” today. Great cheerleading. #RaRaLinkUp
Thank you so much, Kristi. I’m working my way through all these posts over the next few days, and I cannot believe how amazing they are. Such a great group of cheerleaders!
What a beautiful post, Angela! I’ve seen you on Twitter. So glad I made it here today. I need revivial. I need the life of Jesus poured in me. Right now I’ve come to a hotel where they have an electrical generator because there’s been no electricity or water at my house for 10 hours. (And I needed to submit a piece of writing that was due TODAY!) Your words are a beautiful ending to my day. Lord Jesus, pour your Spirit on!
Oh Betsy! I’m so sorry for those circumstances, but I agree…we need revival and for Him to renew our spirits again and again, and especially when thrown into difficulties. Praying you are able to meet your deadline…Thanks for stopping by and for the encouragement!
“But the root of all our sin is—we desire created things more than we desire the CREATOR.” <— Wow! Angela, this is a sad, but powerful truth! If only we would long for HIM more than things, what a beautiful world we would live in. I'm praying for a world that would desire HIM just as much as their next breath. Thank you so much for sharing this! Infinite blessings to you, Love! 🙂
#RaRaLinkup 😉
I agree Tai…sad, but true. I’ll pray that along with you. Lord, help us to LONG for you and to know that nothing would fill us as you will…every single day. Bless you, Tai…thanks for your encouragement!
Angela, this is beautifully written. Your words speak truth and encouragement. Thank you for sharing! ~ KD
Well, I truly appreciate your kind words! Thank you!
Shoo! I need some revival in my living room! Very timely post today. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for visiting! Blessings to you…
Angela, several versions of this idea have been tumbling around in my head and my heart for the last couple of weeks … “But the root of all our sin is—we desire created things more than we desire the Creator.” All of His blessings, His gifts … are wonderful, indeed. But He is greater. My heart certainly needs revival. Thank you for this!
Wonderful, Dianne…thanks for sharing! And I agree…He is greater than His gifts. Blessings to you!
Beautiful post! May we experience true revival by realizing that He is all we need! Thanks for hosting & God bless!
Laurie, Thank you for your kind words! yes…He is all we need.
Don’t you just love that He knows what we need before we even realize it, and He freely gives it, pours it out, and stirs it up – from within us, so that we too can freely give it, pour it, and stir it up? Great post! Come, Lord Jesus! Revive us, we pray!
Yes, Karrilee…I love the words you used, He stirs it up from within us so that we too can freely give it! Great thought…thanks for visiting and encouraging!
Glad to be reading your words here via the #RaRaLinkup. Important things to think about- thank you!
Thanks for visiting, Katie!
“We are idolators of the hidden kind”. I need to tuck that in my pocket and take it out every time I find something more important to do then just take time to be poured into by Christ. This is amazing! Thank you for sharing at Motivate and Rejuvenate Monday!
Angela, I have believed the lie too. Thank you for reiterating a truth that is so easy to forget. God’s love alone is enough. Be blessed! – Kia
Kia, Thank you, and I pray God’s blessings on you now! Angela