Welcome to 31 Days of Poetry & Writing Prompts–Day 24.
Today I’m sharing a poem from the very top of my favorites list, Dive for Dreams by E. E. Cummings. I assumed everyone would LOVE these words, but then I read this poem to my husband over the weekend. Hmmm. Let’s just say, we don’t always see things the same way. #understatement 🙂
Regardless of your affection (or lack thereof) for Mr. Cummings’ work, the following poem says more than most of us ever get around to saying in a day. Enjoy…
Dive for Dreams
by E.E. Cummings
dive for dreams
or a slogan may topple you
(trees are their roots
and wind is wind)
trust your heart
if the seas catch fire
(and live by love
though the stars walk backward)
honour the past
but welcome the future
(and dance your death
away at this wedding)
never mind a world
with its villians or heroes
(for god likes girls
and tomorrow and the earth)
Here I am still diving for dreams, while the whole world chases clichés.
But I am what I am, and you can’t separate a tree from its roots.
With the heart of a poet, I’m living in a how-to world. The pieces don’t fit, and I doubt they ever will.
People don’t want to see what they don’t want to see. People don’t want to be reminded of things they need before they’re ready to admit they need them. We forget to take multivitamins until our health declines. It wasn’t until an issue surfaced that I started eating these Omega-3 rich eggs every day.
I wonder what it will take for me to trust my own heart instead of looking for confirmation elsewhere.
Will the stars walk backward?
The seas catch fire?
The sun turn dark?
Maybe the mountains will fall into the heart of the sea, and then I’ll get it. Then we’ll all wake up to what matters.
We’re walking around each with a terminal diagnosis, and we have no way to stop this ticking clock.
But what about our neighbors? They shoulder the same burden, and we have something to offer each other. Instead we’re caught up in our hurdles, chasing dreams and running after what everyone else is doing. Instead we’re stuck on so many choices, tangled in the interwebs, disappointed with unmet expectations.
In the words of the poet, “never mind a world with its villains or heroes,” because there’s always chaos, and there’s always beauty.
And Lord-willing tomorrow will be a fresh new day. Full of hope, and possibility.
In the meantime, we can always live by love.
Writing Prompt:
Write about a way you honor the past but welcome the future.
Click here to read more 31 Days of Poetry posts.
That opening line! “Dive for dreams, or a slogan may topple you.” How true that can be! Good to ponder.
Thanks for keeping these prompts going throughout the month!
Day 24:
Knock-knock. Whose dare? A quadruple lento to make a memento
Here we go with the final countdown for the October challenge!