Sometimes, life leaves us wondering, Jesus? Where are you?
Sometimes trials last year after year, and we don’t see how God works good things through those hard places.
So often, we need a reminder of who Jesus is and what He’s done and what He’s still doing for His loved ones.
The book of Hebrews begins by telling us that God speaks through Jesus to the world.
Previously, God spoke to the prophets, the Old Testament writers. He revealed Himself to them, with divinely inspired revelation, but that revelation was incomplete. He also spoke to people through angels. The original audience for this book, the Jews, had highest regard for the ministry of angels.
But now, God wants us to know, He has spoken in a far superior way.
God has spoken to the world through the person of Jesus Christ, His Son, who is greater than prophets and angels.
Hebrews 1 offers 7 awesome descriptions of Jesus Christ:
- He is Heir of all things. He owns the world.
- He made the universe.
- He is the radiance of God’s glory. As the sun’s brilliance cannot be separated from the sun itself, so Jesus’ glory is also God’s glory. (NIV Study Bible)
- He’s the exact representation of God’s being. Jesus is not just a reflection of God. He is God!
- He sustains all things by His powerful word. In the beginning was the Word, John chapter 1 says about Jesus. Jesus holds everything together, sustaining the world with His powerful word (Colossians 1:17).
- He provided purification for our sins. Through His death on the cross, He provided the payment, to fully redeem us.
- He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.
The right hand of God is the position of highest honor and limitless power. It symbolizes privilege, power, dominion, and authority.
We know from God’s Word where Jesus is. We don’t ever need to wonder.
Jesus is in the position of honor, at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven, actively ruling with God as Lord of all.
It’s interesting that it says “Jesus sits,” isn’t it? You don’t sit down unless your work is done. Jesus sits to symbolize that His work is complete. He has already paid the greatest cost to rescue us, and His work is complete.
Hebrews 1 continues to explain Jesus’ superiority to angels, quoting 7 Old Testament scriptures which show Jesus as God’s Son and the One whom even angels worship.
Angels may be fascinating to us, but they are simply God’s servants, His messengers, “sent to serve those who will inherit salvation.” They’re not rulers. They are beings God created to help carry out His plans for His people.
But the point of this chapter is not angels at all. The point is Jesus.
When our lives leave us wondering, Jesus, where are you?, we only need to be still in His presence and remember the truth.
Having completed His work for us, Jesus sits at the Majesty’s Right Hand in heaven, sustaining the world with His powerful word.
I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my Right Hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8
Hello to all my blogging friends who are here to join the #RaRaLinkup today…I look forward to reading your words this week!
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Love this: “When our lives leave us wondering, Jesus, where are you?, we only need to be still in His presence and remember the truth.” Amazing how he’s always there, by our side, waiting for us to ask for him.
Kathryn, Yes! Always there, every time we need Him. Thanks for your encouragement!
Angela, beautifully written. I never thought about why Jesus would be sitting but it does make perfect sense. His work is done. Glad to link up with you today. Be blessed! – Kia
Kia, I hadn’t thought much about it either until I studied this passage. Thanks for being here today!
I love that you point out that Jesus sits because His work is done and complete. Praising Him for that!
Praising Him along with you, Stephanie!
Angela, I love this thought…Jesus is sitting because His work is complete! It.Is.Finished! He.Has.Won! YES!!! He is victorious over my life and cares about every minute of it because He is already at the end of it 🙂 Thank you for this reminder today! #RaRaLinkup
Good word, Sarah! “He is victorious over my life & CARES about every minute of it b/c He’s already at the end of it.” Love that!
Jesus sits. Angela, that’s beautiful how you illuminated Jesus from throughout The Word of the Bible to enlighten us. Powerful!
Thank you for the encouraging words, Susan! So glad God uses our words to point the way to Jesus!
I love this: “When our lives leave us wondering, Jesus, where are you?, we only need to be still in His presence and remember the truth.” I get caught up in that question far too often and I always seem to keep searching. Thank you for this important reminder to just be still, Angela! And thanks for hosting the RaRa Linkup :).
Candace, it is my pleasure. Thanks for joining up today! And I’m with you on stillness. Don’t know why I ever fight it, when it’s ALWAYS what I need! 🙂 Time with the Lord!
It is always Jesus in everything and it is good. Thank you for the reminder to turn to Him by joining in communion with Him in the stillness of our day. Beautiful words to lead us through the day and week. Thank you for hosting Angela!
Mary, It is my pleasure! Such a gift to partner with Kelly Balarie & the girls at Purposeful Faith. Thanks for your words of encouragement today!
Hey Angela …
This right here –>’But the point of this chapter is not angels at all. The point is Jesus.’
Your words cut to the chase, laser focus us on what truly matters. It’s not about us.
Knitting that gentle reminder into my blogging!
You’ve encouraged me …
Linda, Your words mean so much today b/c THAT is my hope. I want to help us focus on Jesus Christ alone. Eyes On Jesus! Thank you!
Angela, I LOVE the truths you pulled out of that scripture! Thank you so much for the time you took to study and relay God’s Word to us in such a fresh way. I especially like the visual of Jesus as the ‘radiance of God’s glory’. Awesome!
Kristine, Thank you so much for your encouragement! I am so blessed to know that these words are pointing people to our Lord & inspiring awe of Him. Blessings to you!
Hello Angela,
Thank you for this encouragement. I so needed to read this. Thank you for hosting us today. Have a beautiful Tuesday.
Grace, Thank you for your kind words. It is my pleasure to host! Thank you for joining in!
The point IS Jesus. Love it, Angela. And the truths of Hebrews you’ve listed? They are the solid for a world that shakes, even a day that trembles. Good read.
Kristi, Thank you so much, and I agree–Hebrews has been an amazing book to study lately. I think I’ll keep on writing through it b/c I’m learning so much. 🙂
Angela, these words take my mind right to the majestic truth of Hebrews 1! Blessings!
Michele, So glad these words inspire you. What a beautiful book Hebrews is! Thank you!
I’m reading the book “Trusting God” by Jerry Bridges, and it’s got me thinking about God’s loving control and sovereignty over every aspect of our lives. So often we do wonder, “Jesus, where are you?” Your word today is a good reminder: He’s seated on the throne. Blessings on your week, Angela.
Sounds like a good book. I feel like I’ve read something by Jerry Bridges…will have to take a look at the shelf. 🙂 Such a good word–He’s seated on the throne! Thank you Betsy!
Love this right here > “When our lives leave us wondering, Jesus, where are you?, we only need to be still in His presence and remember the truth.” May we remember the truth that He will never leave us. Grateful to be here this morning!
Joanne, So glad you visited this morning! I need that truth often! Thank you!
Love it, Angela. It ties in a bit with what was on my heart this week in The Gift of Suffering. So often, our focus in on our circumstances, rather than on the One who holds all the answers. Thanks for the reminder. I need it daily! 🙂
Your #RaRaLinkup Sister,
Thanks so much for being here today Linda. I look forward to reading what you’ve written as well…working through them but slowly! 🙂 Such an important word, to take our eyes off our circumstances & fix them on Jesus!
Angela, like others have mentioned, I’ve never considered Jesus is sitting because his work is complete. Powerful! Thank you for this thought-provoking post and reminder that I don’t ever have to question where Jesus is. Love it.
I was thinking that too. As a mother, I don’t sit well. In fact, I’m sitting now, but I’m on the edge of my seat ready to get up at a moment’s notice 😉
Amanda, I’m with you. COMPLETELY. It’s a big learning curve, to learn to sit with the Lord instead of DO, DO, DO as Moms! 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement!
Love that, Abby. Thank you for your encouragement!
A good word, Angela! It’s so important for us to remember, and meditate on the Truths of Who Jesus is when we’re going through tough times. I love it too, when it says He is our mediator. Always defending us against the lies of the enemy – we have victory in Him, Amen? Thanks so much for hosting, have a blessed week!
yes, thank you for this, June! Meditating on the truths of who Jesus is…that’s what we need! Thank you!
I’m so thankful that we do know where Jesus is. Not only has He finished the work of salvation, but He is constantly interceding for us before the Father, and He is with us as the Holy Spirit. So often we forget that and try to do things on our own, but how blessed we are that He is always with us!
You always just amaze me. Thank you for encouraging us from God’s word again today. Love dad
Awww…thanks Dad. Also, for asking me to read those chapters of the Bible into the recorder for you to listen to on those long trips to seminary classes. I always remember that because it felt so important, to be so young but still helping you through seminary like that. Little did I know, those words were rooting down into me too. God is good! Love you!
Yes! What a great reminder! He is constantly interceding for us before the Father & WITH US as the Holy Spirit!!!! Thank you Gayl. Powerful truth!
Jesus. Thank you for pointing us to Him and God’s Truth today. Refreshing and uplifting. I’m thankful He sits, interceding on my behalf. Beautiful picture for today and every day!
Julie, It’s my pleasure! Thank you for your encouragement, and yes–I’m thankful with you!
Thank you so much for this post…I got chills as I read it because I’ve been meditating on Psalm 16:8 on and off for the past week or two and thinking about what “the right hand of God,”…so thank you for how Jesus sits because his work is completed…I can trust He is in control.
Dolly, That is awesome. I feel the same way when God keeps speaking through scriptures to me & then I learn He’s doing the same in friend’s lives. Thank you for sharing!
Angela, visiting you from . Thank you for your post. Love what you said about angels. Sometimes we can get so fascinated with angels that we forget they were created, and Jesus was there when that happened. They are intrigued by Jesus and they are in His presence. Wow! I am convicted that I really don’t desire to know Him the way I should.
Isn’t that true? Yes to what you said, and I always think about the verse that says Even angels long to look into these things…we have these things & only need to seek them–Christ & His Word. Thanks for the encouragement!
Angela, yes, it’s all about Jesus! And so much THIS: “So often, we need a reminder of who Jesus is and what He’s done and what He’s still doing for His loved ones.”
Tara, Thank you for the encouragement. I agree–it’s all about Jesus!
Beautiful Angela. Thanks so much for hosting today. Hebrews is such an encouraging book to me. Thank you for breaking down Jesus’ attributes so that we can refer back. Have a great week!
Thanks, Meg! I am so enjoying studying Hebrews. Thanks for the encouragement!
Angela, There is so much comfort in the reminder that His work is done and He sits at the throne. I, too, love the visual of Jesus sitting because His work is finished! I had never thought of it that way and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!
Thank you for this encouraging post and for hosting this week’s #RaRa linkup!
Blessings and smiles,
Lori, Thank you for your encouraging words! I’m so glad this resonated with you too!
I needed this… thank you!!!
Angie, So happy to hear that! Blessings to you!
Thanks for this walk into Hebrews! It is a book which has often encouraged and challenged my heart and perspective to align more with the Lord’s! It took me far too long to recognize Jesus’s finished work in evidence of His sitting down means He has covered everything for me through His gift of grace, that because of Him I can face each day with an assurance of His presence!
You are welcome, Pam! Yes, this book is doing the same for me–both encouraging & challenging! Love what you said, that we can face each day with an assurance of His presence. Thanks for sharing!